Friday, April 6, 2007

Dressing for weight loss plans

I've had a dilemna for a little while now.

I need new clothes for work. I'm getting involved in more meetings and events where I have to dress up (not ultra dressed up mind you, just not the casual gear I normally wear to work). Well, I've gained a little too much weight to be able to fit most of the clothes I wore the last time I needed to dress more professionally. But I just couldn't stand the idea of sinking money into clothes that I'm hoping will be too big by the end of the year.

And then, it hit me: Wrap Dresses!

Now, you may be saying, "Joy, of course the answer is 'wrap dresses.' How did you not see that immediately?" But it took me a few weeks to figure out. And so, I am on a buying spree of wrap dresses and drawstring-waist pants.

It's a simple thing: being able to dress better and feel better about myself without feeling like I'm giving in or giving up. I'm investigating other styles that will allow me to adjust the sizes slightly; I'm also exploring the cost and feasibility of having clothes taken in. The point is simply to allow myself to dress my body as it is now, but with a plan for the body I hope to have soon.

Thursday, April 5, 2007


I've been doing some reading about forming habits. In an effort to find a program, any program, that will stick, that I can feel good about, I'm delving into the psychological components of a fitness regime. Consistency is key, and it's the thing I'm always lacking.

Depending on who you ask, it takes anywhere from 21 to 60 days to form a habit. The problem is, I'm trying to develop a fitness program that includes different activities at different times on different days. So it's not sticking. I'm not foolish enough to begin a program by trying to workout every day. And my diet plan is more about not making last-minute, bad food choices than about any specific food I'm trying to eat more or less of.

So, in the interest of momentum, I'm picking an everyday habit to start with. Water. 3 bottles (my jumbo water bottle) a day.

Sparkpeople has a great chart here. It's really good for tracking the everyday stuff. I'm still working on the big picture stuff.