Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Finding the track

Before I can get back on track, I have to find the track again. There's been lots of upheaval over the last few months, and while all has not been lost I've not been intentional with very much of my health, beauty or fitness routine.

I've decided that my sinuses are probably a large part of my chronic minor health issues (headaches and nausea, especially) so I bought a Neti Pot. I've only used it once so far, and it felt really weird. I need to get used to it and see if it has a noticeable effect.

I'm increasing my fiber intake by putting Benefiber in almost everything I drink. (I stop short of taking it with me to restaurants.) I'm drinking more water and taking vitamins on a semi-regular basis.

I bought a Sheer Cover intro kit. It seems to work ok, I'm just not in the habit of putting on makeup.
I have developed a night routine and morning routine, though I have yet to stick to them. I printed them out and taped them to the bathroom mirror.
I'm in the middle of developing a salon schedule that I hope will include monthly facials. It's mostly a budget issue.

My goal is to lose about 25 lbs. this year.
My plan is to go to the gym 3x/week - which is not currently happening.
My new office is on the third floor of a walk-up, so I get a little more activity in my day than before. When it warms up I plan to take regular pre-work & lunchtime walks.